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Newsletter november 2011 (English version)

Tourism and pilgrimages 
pastoral office
Newsletter november 2011


The true wish of Don Massimo Pavanello to the Holy Land editor, whose magazine has just reached a nearly secular goal.

The Madonna of Pavillon” of Botticelli, located at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan, will be joined by one of the most meaningful works of the entire Renaissance: from the National Gallery of London, here the Mystic Nativity. From 14th November 2011 to 5th February 2012.

Cardinals Scola and Tettamanzi inaugurated the exhibition “the beauty in the Word” in the halls of Palazzo Reale in Milan, where the New Ambrosian Evangeliary will be displayed until next December 9th.


The movie made by Salvatore Nocita: "The road of Paul" is about to be released. The protagonist is a truck driver headed for work in the Holy land. His journey takes an unexpected direction when it encounters some reality that speak of God, Faith, grace and Charity.

It has just published the book: “The suitcase of Papa Wojtyla”, written by Fabio Zavattaro (edited by Iacobelli) . It talks about events that happened to John Paul II during his papacy of nearly 27 years touring.

It has just created “"Green Pilgrimage Network", the first global network to make pilgrimages more sustainable.

Historic parks filled with fountains, artificial caves and historic buildings where for centuries the Popes have come to seek refuge from their official functions, will now be accessible to visitors and pilgrims.

Two years after the first national meeting, here is the proposal for the second: from 30th November to 1st December, two days dedicated to reflections and meditations about the word "Educate".


The event will take place in three days: from 23rd to 25th November. The most significant will be Friday 25th , with two important conferences concerning the comparison between religious and lay tourism and the “Seventh World Families Meeting- Milan 2012”.

The exhibition “ St. Augustine, we only know what we love” was inaugurated on November 12th at the Cript of the Pavia Cathedral.

Lake Como, from 23rd to 25th November, will attend the first 3D virtual exhibition, dedicated to tour operator, to the new national and international tourism communities, and to all tourism lovers.


Diocesi di Prato. Entra nella guida dell’Espresso il ristorante “Opera 22”

This Prato’s restaurant, founded as a laboratory for young people suffering from autism, now reported in one of the most important Italian restaurant guides.

The 15th edition of Ecomondo, the report reserved to professionals and entrepreneurs to make the point about the phenomenon of recycling materials in Italy, was opened on November 9th , at the Rimini exhibition.

Hic sunt leones. L'avventura del viaggio tra Ottocento e Novecento

The exhibition which takes place from 11th November 2011 to 15th April 2012 at the former San Francesco Church of Udine, offers photographs, objects, projections and multimedia stations to discover a forgotten way of traveling.


The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs and the Committee on the rights of women are collaborating to extend at European level the protection to victims of offences, currently limited to the State at which the order was made.

Parliament has just proposed to create the brand name "Europe" to promote the country as the world's first tourist destination, with the aim of encouraging tourism that enhances the awareness of cultural heritage, historical, religious and natural.

The European Conference entitled “The mortality of bees, solutions, projects, and future strategies” will take place in Turin on 16th and 17th December 2011.

Party atmosphere, warm lights and spicy flavors: from Italy (North and South) to the major European cities the most intriguing and spectacular street markets, waiting for Santa Claus.


During the month of the largest migrations of elephants, Sri Lanka offers to tourists some wildlife performances, difficult to find elsewhere.

Train tickets made easy

Booking a train journey that includes the border crossing is no longer quite a job: if one came from London to Madrid had to carry out a very expensive transaction into two parts, now the sale of rail tickets occurs through a single integrated platform.

The international pilgrimage of young people of Catholic Action (Ac), designed to know and to experience history, places, and believers of the Holy Land, will take place from 27th November to 13th December.

The newsletter was written by Marina Fossati who did internships at the Tourism and pilgrimages diocesan office. Fossati is a final year student in linguistics – Business Language Expert at the Catholic University of Milan.


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