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English newsletter 2013


To remember the historical pilgrimage of Paolo VI, the Archdiocese of Milan and the custody of the Holy Land organise on the next 15 November at 6 pm, in the auditorium San Fedele of Milan (Hoepli Street 3/a), a convention called:
4 – 6 January 1964. Paolo VI pilgrim in Holy Land: an historical event for the universal Church.

Despite the crisis, tourists, during their journeys, keep on visit exhibitions, museums and historical sites. An example? Museum of Novecento, set every year in Milan, this year from 29th December to 6th January, has always had much success, and Alessi’s room in Palazzo Marino from 3rd

December to 6th January, with Tiziano’s pictures, will be the icing on the cake.

The renowned Church of Varese will be restored to recover and enhance the building, creating this way one of the steps of the cultural, artistic and religious project that Varese’s inhabitants wanted. Works will be completed during the first months of 2014. That place is destined to be one of the touristic destinations that will be presented at Expo 2014.

It’s happened

24th October: there was the visit of the Road of Abbeys, to which participated the President of Lombardy Region Roberto Maroni and the Councillor for Cultural Identities Cristina Cappellini. The project provided the visit of Mirasole, Chiaravalle and Morimondo, with a dip in art, nature, gastronomy and local traditions, an experience that has captivated the Milanese.

The kind of tourism that lately is catching on in Lombardy is the “green” one, oriented towards its natural beauties, its particular food and wine and the practice of sport. Varese, Como, Lecco, Cremona and Brescia are the most desirable destinations.



21st and 22nd November in Ninh Binh City, Vietnam. On that day there will be the event that will underline the importance of integrating tourism with culture, tradition and different local beliefs, giving matter at the same time to social, economic, local and above all environmental aspects.

Green Olive Tours, an agency of Jerusalem, has an imminent project: developing a pacific tourism, aimed at making known not only the zone including Bethlehem and Jerusalem, that is the safer one, but also the less known part, that raises more fears and problems in the general mentality.

It’s happened

Christian minorities that live in this Asiatic locality, after a measure taken to "preserve the sanctity of the soil near the Hindu shrine of Pashupatinath," were forced to carry out their funeral rites in secret places and not suitable for a proper burial.

The Middle East is going through a crisis that affects touristic sector.
In fact, because of the constant wars that afflict these countries, the stream of visitors has fallen down; among these countries there’s Egypt. To discuss about this problem and to solve it, Ministers of 16 Arabic countries met in Jordan on 29th and 30th September.

Waiting for the event, on 16th and 17th October, the representatives of Brazilian cities that will host matches, met to discuss together with the Church about possible problems that Football World Cup could cause: evictions, sexual exploitation, cleaning of cities and religious aspects.



2014 was declared as “Year of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows” in Slovakia to remember the 450th anniversary of the first miracle made by Our Lady in Šaštín, destination of national pilgrimage.
For 2014 we expect thousands of pilgrims to whom the highest availability and hospitality will be guaranteed.

This is the theme that the Archbishop of Luxembourg will talk about to Christians of Granducato in November, when he’ll invite churchgoers to collaborate for an ecclesial renewal in order to let the Church be a missionary and living institution. Moreover, in some days, “The Ottavario of San Willibrord”, characterized by a series of pilgrimages towards the Saint’s tomb, will be concluded.

It’s happened

Some bikers, between the 61 and the 72 years, have made 4600 miles from Brussels to the Holy City, crossing different countries and collecting 77000 Euros that later have been given away for charity to Bethlehem orphanage. Eventually they have been rewarded for their efforts.

Despite recent and long-lasting economic problems that concern the whole Europe, it seems to keep on having an immortal appeal for tourists. First of all Spain remains the favourite destination, followed by Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Greece and United Kingdom. Nevertheless, further source of attraction, is the work, especially for young tourists who want to fight against unemployment.



On 9th and 10th November 2013 there’s the appointment for “Dolcemente Pisa” and Leopolda station will be animated by events, tastings, laboratories and spaces dedicated to children. The initiative is organized by Handicraft workshop Genuine Temptations of Prato.
Moreover, destined to adults, there will be photography and cake design courses.

From 8th to 10th November there will be a pilgrimage of churchgoers who will reach Rome, guided by their bishops in occasion of the Faith Year. With them also the Archbishop of Genoa and the President of CEI, Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco. Churchgoers will have the possibility to meet Pope Francesco privately.

It’s happened

Bishop of Pistoia, bitter and disappointed, tells what happened: crosses, given to him by Giovanni Paolo II, Benedetto XVI and Francesco, were stolen on 4th November. Crosses of high symbolic value, but with no economic value as they’re created with poor materials.

September 2013: Rimini hosted the annual Franciscan Festival which this year had as its theme the journey and pilgrimage, an allegory of the spiritual journey to God, and has also offered a wide range of activities for both adults and children.



It will be held in the afternoon, at 5 pm, on 25th November. This visit to the Pope was solicited by Putin, but already Pope Francesco opened a first dialogue when, in September, sent a letter to Putin, trying to find a solution to avoid the massacre caused by wars in Syria. In the letter there’s also an appeal of Pope Francesco to powerful people to solve the global economic crisis.

It’s happened

Pope Bergoglio visits Astalli centre, Rome, giving assistance and food to refugees from wars, violence and tortures, listening to them and talking out loud about unconditional solidarity. He continues his visit in Lampedusa, where he prompts religious people not to turn convents in lucrative hotels, but to make them a safe haven for refugees.

Pope Bergoglio says that when we feel sinners confession is fundamental, because the priest “doesn’t beat”. He underlines the importance of sacraments and of love to let the Church grow, concluding with a prayer for Noemi, little girl of half and a year, afflicted by a serious illness.



Together with Tour Eiffel it’s a symbol of the ancient and elegant Paris, of its history, of its culture and religion. And for the event 14 million visitors are expected.

It’s happened

In occasion of the regional pilgrimage (20th - 21st September 2013), that is the 17th anniversary of the Edict of Milan, the President of CCEE says that the Edict of Milan shouldn’t be only a past event, but still today it should make us reflect upon social consequences that faith has in Europe…

From 3rd to 6th October, in Bratislava, there was held the annual general meeting of the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences under the invitation of the local Archbishop and President of the Slovak Bishops' Conference, Msgr. Stanislav Zvolenský. In a message sent to the President of CCEE, Pope Francesco wanted to share his appreciation for the contribution of the Bishops' Conferences in Europe in the promotion of culture.

During the last days two hundreds students and professors of university participated to a pilgrimage of 18 km from the University of San Jorge to the Cathedral-Basilica of Pilar, where the day concluded with an Eucharist. Pilgrims prayed to the Virgin of Pilar to protect the new academic year and to bless the study.

A new pastoral centre for Greek-catholic Ukrainians was inaugurated on 27 October in Piaseczno, near Warsaw. The opening of this new centre in Poland was possible thanks to an agreement between the Archbishop Ivan Martyniak, UGCC, and the Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz. The representatives of UGCC hope that this situation will give a contribute to the development of the pastoral for Ukrainian churchgoers who live in Poland.

In Brighton, England, the “Sunday Assembly” has many followers. It’s a laic function with a format inspired to the liturgy. The key is the ability to create relationships in a UK where now half of the people suffer from loneliness. is the new website launched by the Czech Episcopal Conference that treats the agreement about the return of goods expected between the State and Czech Churches, but it also has numerous spiritual services, assistance to old people, ill people and people in need, family support, education, advocacy and promotion of cultural heritage and development of activities of local communities.

In the middle of the great turmoil that the European Union has to face since its foundation, the COMECE and the German Catholic Institute for social teaching (KSZ) organize for the second consecutive year the Conference with European Focus with principal speakers of Keynote. The discussion will be about the actual economic situation, but also about the question of how a Christian ethical perspective could offer orientation to find a solution to crisis.


It’s happened

In Amalfi, in occasion of the 34th World Tourism Day, a current and problematic theme was chosen: water, its immoderate consumption in developed countries, against an exiguous one in Third World countries. A “new culture of water” is necessary then.

Notification books
Doctor and author of many bestsellers, Jean-Christophe Rufin faces his personal "apprenticeship of empty ". Eight hundreds kilometres from Hendaye to the extreme south-west of France, until the majestic Cathedral of Saint Giacomo.

Jerusalem is a city ravaged by centuries of war, conflicts among religions, fights among opposite governments. Paola Caridi has been living for ten years in Jerusalem, a city that she lived intimately, unforgettable for the beauty of its ancient walls, of its white stones, for its suffering humanity, but cruel at the same time…

The newsletter has been written by Elena Trentadue, who has done a stage at the Diocesan Office of Tourism and Pilgrimages. Elena Trentadue attends the last year at the faculty of “Linguistic Expert of Business” at Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, Milan.

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